Company SQRS was founded in 1999.Company SQRS is licensed on rendering of such services as maintenance of vessels, repair, adjustment and installation electrical shipboard equipment, supply spare parts to ship mechanisms.
At the moment our clients are:
AGITER AS, AMISCO AS, C-bed BV ,bell chartering ltd, estonian navy, Eestinova Ltd, BLRT Grupp, Cargohunters Ltd, Gaturo Shipping Group Ltd,O.W.Bunker AS, PKL AS, Pro Shipping Ltd Remelton Ltd, RSTA Ltd, saaremaa laevakompanii as, Tschudi & Eitzen ESCO Ship Management AS, Titan Cruise Lines Inc, Transnautic Ship Management Ltd , Transmares Ltd, Vista Shipping Agency AS, Victoria Shipping Ltd, UNIMARS LTD and others.
Recognition Certificate N 06.01253.124*Certificate of Firm Conformity 07.01481.124 * Estonian Maritame Administration Certificate N 49